Hey everyone, it's been a busy few months for me and I wanted to hop on to let you all know about some great Kickstarters happening right now!
Last year and the beginning of this year I had the privilege of taking Shelly Bond's Filth and Grammar editing courses. It opened my mind up and informed me of new avenues of creating editing comics in a way that was a huge level up for me. With that she's launched --
THE GIST: A comic book editor w/red ink on her hands charts her career up & down the corporate ladder & shares lessons learned/trade secrets. FOR INSTANCE: Here’s a tier from a one-pager about editing w/art by Imogen Mangle.
My main man, Tony Gregori is at it again, this time with Michael Kingston of Headlocked Comics fame and GANGREL of WWE fame!
Head over to http://kck.st/4fO0wLU for all of your Bigfoot Pro-Wrestling needs!